Candidate shares views on vaccine mandates

Allona Lahn in Nambour on Saturday …”These businesses should not have to bear the brunt of this”

Allona Lahn is a senate candidate for the Informed Medical Options Party who will stand at the upcoming federal election. She also  stood for the seat of Nicklin at last year’s State Government election.  Ms Lahn is opposed to vaccine mandates and worried about their effects on the community. 

She co-organised a Freedom Rally recently which attracted more than 10,000 people to Cotton Tree. On Saturday she spoke to a much smaller crowd at a “Hinterland Freedom Protest” in Nambour. 

The Gazette asked her about the support she has been attracting for her stance against vaccine mandates.

What is your basic argument?

Our argument is freedom of choice, body autonomy and full, informed consent. I stand against two-tiered societies, mandatory segregation and discrimination based on drug status. People are objecting to the erosion of rights and choice. They are objecting to the coercion.   

Your recent Freedom Rally at Cotton Tree attracted between 10,000 and 14,000 people. Why do you think you are getting this level of support?

I’m not surprised by the support. I’m surprised we’re not getting more! People are objecting and they’re objecting to the coercion, the intimidation, the bullying that’s happened with their jobs, with their bodies, their employees, with their patients and customers, with the mandated vaccines. 

They’re objecting to the discrimination and segregation and they’re objecting to being forced into a two-tiered society.   

They had to coerce people, families and businesses to have a jab. 

And people are getting p---ed off. We have vaccinated people come to our events because they’ve been intimidated and coerced. And they’ve been threatened into having that jab — threatened. 

So even the vaccinated are getting annoyed because they know that it doesn’t stop there. You’ve got to get booster shots. 

You’re going to have never-ending booster shots with every strain. All for a coronavirus that has a 99.9 percent survival rate. It’s just madness.

What’s your message to businesspeople who are struggling with policing the vaccine mandates?

I feel terrible for them. They’ve been forced into an unbearable position. 

I spoke to a pub owner on the weekend who was just broken and extremely stressed. 

His pub was almost empty and he’d lost $10k over Friday and Saturday. 

It’s just lies after lies after lies and people are pressured into being vaccinated and segregated against their wishes. 

We really need to question the validity of the alleged 80 percent vaccination rate given that so many pubs, clubs and cafes were empty over the weekend. 

These businesses should not have to bear the brunt of this. 

They already have the stress of running a business but they are now the police of vaccinations and threatened with large fines if they don’t conform. 

What do you want to see out of all this?

What we can do out of this, out of this suffering and pain is we recreate what we deserve and want. And that is a true and proper healthcare system rather than a sickness industry.  What we can do out of this is create local food co-ops. We can support farmers. We can support local community, and we can stop feeding the big corporate conglomerates.

What do you say to people who say you are irresponsibly spreading misinformation and putting lives at risk?

I would say, according to the manufacturer’s own insert found on the Government TGA website, the vaccine does not stop the transfer of the virus, nor does it stop you getting the virus. I would say the vaccine is unsafe and vaccine injuries are grossly under-reported. The jab should be a choice without threats, bullying, coercion, segregation or discrimination. We should end the mandates now.


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